Eurosupply International AS - new customer
Eurosupply International AS is a new customer of iSYS where we have made integrations between their ERP solution and the EPD base.
EPD is the industry database for the grocery industry, and for many years the players have seen that industry collaboration leads to benefits and synergies throughout the value chain.
Lerpold AS - new customer
Lerpold AS is a new customer of iSYS.
For customers, we deliver integrations between their ERP solution and the industry solution FixIT.
Efa Elektro - new customer
Efa Elektro is a new customer and user of FEED.
FEED will be used to retrieve data from ERP and to enrich products with texts, images, ETIM data, automatically generate FDV and other documents, etc.
Data will be sent to websites, the industry database EFO and other channels.
VOXON expands with voice-controlled inventory counting
Bama AS is now using our new VOXON module for voice-controlled inventory counting.
A solution that accompanies users from location to location in picking location mode, or alternatively, users select smaller count lists/order lists that they can sort themselves by item name or picking location.
New project for Varner
Since 2009, Varner has been using the iSYS solution MyStock for goods receipt, counting, orders, etc. in the chain's stores.
The project is currently underway to rewrite the solution for today's technology and modernize the solution. The solution will give store employees 100% control over inventory counts, goods receipt, transfer of goods between stores/warehouses, returns, orders, pricing, etc.
SG Armaturen - new customer
We are proud to present SG Armaturen as a new customer of iSYS and user of FEED.
FEED will be used to collect product data for the entire group and enriched with basic data and images, documents for use on websites and against industry databases in different countries.
Cenika AS - new customer
Cenika AS in Lier is a new customer of iSYS and user of FEED.
FEED will be used to collect and enrich product data for use on websites, the industry database EFO, catalogs, etc.
With FEED, Cenika will gain control and overview of all its basic data and be able to report ETIM data to players in Norway and abroad.
Kitch'n - new customer
We are proud to present Kitch'n as a new customer of iSYS.
Kitch'n is a nationwide chain that will be known for good and innovative products for the kitchen!
TECE with 2019 catalogs from FEED
In recent months, TECE Norway and Sweden have been working on implementing FEED and working with basic data.
Integrations have been set up with ERP solutions, the Group's basic data systems and the industry databases NRF and RSK.
Maxeta AS - new customer
Maxeta AS has been supplying Norway with electrotechnical products since 1960. The company originally started as a pure agency and wholesale business and represents several leading manufacturers of electrotechnical equipment in Europe. Over time, they have also developed significant in-house production, which today accounts for more than 50% of total sales.
Betek Norway with FEED
Betek Norge in Kristiansand is a new customer and user of FEED.
FEED will be used to retrieve data from ERP and to enrich products with texts, images, ETIM data, automatically generate FDV and other documents, etc.
Heimer - new customer
Heimer AS has chosen to use us and our integration tool iBridge to integrate their EDI flow directly with their ERP system, Uni Micro.
iBridge reads orders directly into Uni Micro and extracts data to export messages in return.
The entire flow is automated so that Heimer does not have to manually enter and create the messages in their ERP system.
Verdant with InStock
Verdant AS in Bergen has installed the latest version of InStock and after an active work with labeling of stock, they are now ready for start-up.
TECE with InStock
In May, TECE became the first customer to have the latest/first version of InStock installed in its main warehouse.
TECE uses Visma Global as its order/warehouse system and is closely integrated with it.
Unilamp Norden - new customer
Unilamp Norden is a new customer and will use FEED for product data to the industry database EFO with ETIM data, websites and printed catalogs.
FEED integrates with Visma Business using iBridge.
Mestergull - new customer
Mestergull is a new customer of iSYS and will use the PIM tool FEED for its product data.
Our integration platform iBridge will be the hub of all data flow from ERP to FEED, from FEED to various web solutions and POS solution in each store.
New solution for Bjarøy Gruppen and
For the Bjarøy Group in Tønsberg, we are now building a new solution for handling the letting of commercial property, apartments, flats and residential hotels.
ELKO - 10 years with FEED
ELKO has used our PIM tool FEED in various versions for a total of 10 years.
The well-known ELKO catalog is created from FEED, their web pages and app receive all product data and, not least, the industry database EFO receives all product data from FEED.
TECE Norway and Sweden with FEED
TECE Norway and Sweden is a new user of FEED.
FEED will be used for reporting data to the industry databases NRF in Norway and RSK in Sweden, as well as the production of printed catalogs, product data on websites and the generation of documents.