Maxeta AS - new customer

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Maxeta AS is a new customer of iSYS and user of FEED.

Maxeta AS has been supplying Norway with electrotechnical products since 1960. The company originally started as a pure agency and wholesale business and represents several leading manufacturers of electrotechnical equipment in Europe. Over time, they have also developed significant in-house production, which today accounts for more than 50% of total sales.

FEED will be used to retrieve data from ERP and to enrich products with texts, images, ETIM data, automatically generate FDV and other documents, etc.

Data should be sent to websites, the industry database EFO and other channels

Maxeta AS serves several market segments, of which electricity supply and railways are the two largest.

Maxeta AS is also a significant supplier of installation products for both private commercial buildings and public service buildings, such as health care and schools.



TECE with 2019 catalogs from FEED


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