VOXON expands with voice-controlled inventory counting

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Bama AS is now using our new VOXON module for voice-controlled inventory counting.

A solution that accompanies users from location to location in picking location mode, or alternatively, users select smaller count lists/order lists that they can sort themselves by item name or picking location. 

The system is designed for counting at three different types of locations and supports tracking information and counting of load carriers that have a mortgage value.

The solution is supported by a web-based application that allows administrators to create count lists, product ranges for counting, etc.

The web pages determine which user should pick which locations, zones or specific items.

All data is gathered in a separate report for each count, which uses the cost price of the goods to give the inventory value. The same report can be retrieved in Excel for further processing if required.

The solution contributes to an even better effect for the introduction of voice-controlled logistics!


Read more about VOXON here


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