Meet Per Åge - head of development

If you visit the iSYS offices early in the morning, Per Åge will probably be there just as early as you. He has probably also had time to work out before work. This is a man who is keen to make the most of the hours and minutes of the day. 

Per Åge joined iSYS as Head of Development in 2015, but today he wears a few more hats. He is now head of development, support and operations.

If new challenges or problems arise that leave people scratching their heads, it's Per Åge who takes charge. Which tool, framework and language to use is an important decision. This is where Per Åge comes in. With research in hand, he works with developers and designers to ensure that iSYS delivers robust and operational solutions.

The most important thing for Per Åge is that customers feel they are getting stable solutions. They must be living products that are updated, followed up and change according to the customer's needs.  


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