Meet Bjørn - project manager

Let's introduce another cheerful project manager in iSYS!

After working as a sound engineer after high school, Bjørn decided to become an engineer instead. He then worked in the shipping industry, the oil industry, and the water and wastewater industry - before joining iSYS as a project manager in 2018. 

When a customer has a need, Bjørn pulls the strings needed to satisfy the need in the best possible way. He is keen to have a personal relationship with customers to find out what each individual customer needs. And with the help of colleagues at iSYS and conversations with customers, Bjørn goes to great lengths to meet their needs. There is a genuine desire to find out how iSYS can best contribute to making everyday life easier.

Bjørn has contributed to various projects in iSYS, but is primarily a participant in InStock projects.

Bjørn may not be the loudest person in the room, but he's personable, welcoming and helps to ensure that everyone has a good time.

And it has to be said that although Bjørn enjoys his work, he says that the highlight of the week is when he gets to take part in an orchestra rehearsal with his youngest daughter, with whom he shares his interest in music. 


Meet our customer Kitch'n


Ultimate Nordic