Meet Kristian - Product Manager for InStock

Kristian has worked in iSYS since 2009 and is originally a developer.

Today he is solution architect and product manager for InStock WMS.

When Kristian walks into the office in the morning, his cup is filled with tea and his head with problems that need to be solved. Kristian says that he finds it exciting to understand challenges and then find good solutions that meet customers' needs. A lot of his work involves specifying tasks to be solved by the developers. 

When a customer first starts using InStock, Kristian is on hand to help find out how the solution can best serve the customer. When one and the same solution is to serve several different customers, you have to solve specific questions for each customer, and this is where Kristian pulls the strings. 

In addition to working at iSYS, he spends some of his spare time volunteering with the rescue company, which he describes as a very meaningful hobby. So if your boat breaks down in the vicinity of Horten, it's possible that Kristian will come to the launch. 


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