InStock - WMS in constant development


We listen and learn from our customers who use InStock WMS.

Users of the solution provide us with feedback so that our development team can expand the standard solution to cover even more functional areas in and around the warehouse. The focus has been to digitize and visualize more processes, in order to achieve the best effect and flow around all tasks in a warehouse. 

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Advanced dashboard with a view of everything that happens in the warehouse

We now offer a standard display of online graphs and info boxes that can show everything that happens in the warehouse. The view can be easily configured with lists, graphs and boxes as you wish and contains online information from multiple sources that provide clear, informative and motivating overviews for warehouse staff and administration. Get in touch with for more information and presentation

Extended product information and tracking

Users of InStock WMS can now from a mobile device (app) easily see more product information in all warehouse functions where stock items are represented. In addition to viewing images of the product, extended product information can be displayed as well as the item's transaction history. 

Extended goods inspection at goods receipt

InStock WMS can now replace manual control routines at goods receipt and offers digitized forms related to goods receipt. When more control is needed than just registering the correct location, batch, date and quantity on the order line, unique templates can be configured for products or product groups. These templates appear as a checklist sorted in the desired order where input requirements can be defined as text, integers, numbers with decimals, list, take picture and checkbox where scanning can be used as input for text. Collected information can be automatically transferred to other systems or PDF documents can be produced and sent by email or stored in archives.

Peat locations

We find that many need great flexibility to streamline picking and shipping. In addition to floating and main locations, peat locations can now be created. When a lot of one or more goods are to be picked in a period, goods can be moved from buffer locations to peat locations, which are normally close to assembly areas. Picking lists will then automatically select picking from peat locations as long as there are goods at these locations. 

Axiafrakt is now fully integrated

In the same way as Consignor and InStock's internal shipping module for local transportation, we can now offer Axiafrakt for printing shipping labels where deliveries to the same customer and address are consolidated before EDI transmission to the shipping company is sent. Shipping labels are printed from the InStock app to the desired printer automatically. We see that customers who have installed Zebra printers in their trucks get an efficient flow and labeling of packages. There is no need to use the shipping program on the PC in the picking process and packages that are created incorrectly can also be deleted directly in the InStock app.

Parcel templates for faster printing of parcel labels

Customers who have fixed parcel sizes but lack basic data for calculating weight, length, width and depth can now define templates that streamline parcel printing. Users can now select a template that automatically fills in all missing fields at the touch of a button. Click to print the correct shipping label.

Weight integration

For many, weight is an important basic data for goods. InStock can now integrate all scales that are equipped with serial COM output. The solution is wireless and gives the user the opportunity for online weight information by simply connecting to the scale by scanning a QR code. This makes it possible to retrieve weight at goods receipt, own weight function and when picking in connection with the weight of packages. Both scales on packing tables and scales integrated on trucks can be used. If you have an industrial scale today, there is a good chance that you can continue to use it completely wirelessly.

InStock WMS user group

iSYS is very keen to develop InStock WMS in line with customer needs. During the fall, a user group will be established where key users and managers who know InStock will have the opportunity to gather and draw experience from other users. The aim is for a user group to become familiar with the InStock roadmap and at the same time have the opportunity to help prioritize and provide input for further development.

If you want to join the user group, please contact

Read more about InStock here


Grove-Knutsen with FEED


New integration with EFO