Workhand AS with feed® PIM

Workhand AS, a leading player in work gloves and personal protective equipment, has chosen feed® PIM as its PIM solution.

Streamlining product management

With an ever-growing product range, Workhand AS has experienced the need for a more efficient and streamlined management of its product data. By implementing feed® PIM, Workhand AS will be able to collect, organize and distribute product information in a far more efficient way. This will not only improve internal processes, but also ensure that customers receive accurate and up-to-date information about the products.

One of the biggest benefits of using feed® PIM is the ability to provide customers with a more coherent and reliable experience. With feed® PIM, Workhand AS can ensure that product data is consistent across all channels, including online store, catalogs and the NOBB database. This will help reduce errors and misunderstandings, which in turn can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Read more about Workhand AS and their products here 



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