What will the new version of NOBB mean for you as a feed® user?

March 10 - 24, NOBB from Byggtjeneste is down for an upgrade to a new solution, what does this mean for users of feed® and our NOBB module?
We are in full swing testing the new version of NOBB and will do our best to make the transition to the new NOBB version as seamless as possible for you who use feed®.

What do we need to do to get ready for a new solution?

On March 10, Byggtjeneste will take down the current NOBB solution, feed® will disable all communication with NOBB from feed®, Thursday, March 9!

It is important that you have exported all changes from feed® to NOBB well in advance of this date and that these are published (approved) in NOBB.
Changes that are not approved in NOBB when the solution is taken down on March 10 will be lost in NOBB when the new solution is in place. 

  • In other words, it's not enough to export products from feed® to NOBB before March 9, they must also validate and be approved!

The most important thing is that you have approved all changes in NOBB well in advance of March 9, so that nothing is lost and to ensure that feed® and NOBB still have consistent data.

What if I have made changes to NOBB data in feed® that are not approved on March 10?

If you have changes in feed® that you do not have time to get approved in NOBB before March 9, we recommend that you do not export changes to NOBB until after the new solution is in place.
If you have exported changes from feed® to NOBB that are unpublished when the solution goes down, these will not be included in the new solution. 

Changes in feed® that have been deleted in NOBB due to lack of approval must be manually re-exported, product by product.

feed® does not know that these have been lost and the products will not be in the overview "Changes in feed, not published". You must therefore know and manually make a new export to NOBB, per product, to get these over again if that is the case.

Can I still work in feed® with product data while NOBB is being upgraded?


You can still work as normal with your products in feed®. The only thing that cannot be done is export to NOBB, all changes to products in feed® that affect NOBB data will be registered and products will be in the selection "Changes in feed, not published" until NOBB is available again and products can again be exported to NOBB.
feed® will disable export and communication with NOBB during the upgrade, but all other functionality in feed® will work as normal. When NOBB is ready again after the upgrade and we have verified that the service is ready, we will re-enable our communication with NOBB Connect supplier API and products can be updated again.

What will happen in the future and when?

Provided that there are no changes from Byggtjeneste/NOBB with regard to commissioning March 10 - 24, the following will happen from our side.

  • Now - > March 9th
    We are working on adaptations and testing of a new API to NOBB that will ensure as seamless a transition as possible for our customers

  • March 9th
    We will upgrade feed® with a new version that deactivates communication with NOBB and prepares for a new solution. There will be a visual warning in feed® that NOBB is unavailable due to update.

  • March 10 - 24
    We continue to work with feed® and are eagerly waiting for NOBB to be upgraded.

  • 24 - 26 March
    We verify that the new NOBB solution is available and works as expected

  • March 27
    Assuming that everything is ok, we will migrate changes in feed® to prepare data for the new solution.
    After migration, we will upgrade feed® with a new version, which in turn activates NOBB export.

What has changed?

Price comparison unit (PSE /PSE-PAK)

The biggest and most noticeable change to how you work in feed® is related to the price comparison unit (PSE / PSE-PAK) in NOBB. You no longer need a packaging of type PSE-PAK to set the factor for the price unit in NOBB. As a result, these will no longer be created in feed®
In connection with the upgrade, a new attribute will be created for PSE factor with imported value from NOBB on existing products. This will be placed in a new attribute group "NOBB PSE" and included in all product templates that have active NOBB products. You can move this attribute to the desired group in feed® after the migration has been completed.

If there are more PSE-PAK on the product than the one that is converted, those that have GTIN or some physical dimensions will be converted to UDEF packages in NOBB. All others will disappear after migration.
Due to the changes in NOBB, existing NOBB packages on active NOBB products in feed® will be deleted and re-imported. If you have NOBB packages on other products that are not active NOBB products, these will not be affected by migration.

In connection with the migration of data, NOBB packages in feed® will be deleted and re-imported from NOBB. In other words, if you have unpublished packages in NOBB, these will be deleted from both feed® and NOBB.

Validation and export process

The new NOBB Connect supplier API has better validation to prevent invalid data from being registered in NOBB, things that were previously possible to export, but caused errors that you then had to clean up, will now be rejected and you must correct errors before they can be saved in NOBB.
Where and how errors that need to be corrected are visible in feed® is the same as before, but based on experience from testing so far, error messages from the new API are also clearer and easier to understand what is causing something not to validate ok.

Packages will now only be created in NOBB if they validate OK. This means that you will now receive error messages and must correct all errors on packages before they are created in NOBB, previously situations could arise where packages were created with errors that had to be manually corrected by NOBB support. This should now be history.

Do you have questions about feed® and the NOBB module?

Contact us at salg@isys.no


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