Krifon and iSYS live with NOBB module in feed®
Krifon AS is the first company to go live with the NOBB module and submit product data to NOBB from feed®.
In November, we launched our NOBB module in feed® with great attention and huge interest at the NOBB conference 2021.
Finally, we can update NOBB in a simple and clear way!
It has been a desire for many years to put in place a convenient way to create and maintain NOBB products, and with feed® and the NOBB Connect API, we can update all our products from one system everywhere.
Olav Fon, Krifon AS
Over several months, we have developed a NOBB module for product owners based on the NOBB Connect API in collaboration with Byggtjeneste.
The result is finally live and we can't wait to continue!