H-Vindu Fjerdingstad upgrades its storage solution


In 2012, H-Vindu Fjerdingstad had a warehouse solution developed by iSYS that they have since used at the factory in Hokksund. This has been a great help in controlling inventory all these years, but as Logistics Manager Kim André Maier says; 

"H-Vinduet Fjerdingstad AS has experienced adventurous growth in recent years. In line with this, we realized that traditional methods for following up logistics were becoming a bottleneck. By using InStock in our factories in Norway and Poland, we have solved these bottlenecks, achieved a higher throughput, greater precision and better control"

Fjerdingstad has chosen to upgrade the current solution with new functions, in addition to adapting the language so that the solution can be used at the factories in Poland. The new solution will further improve inventory control and increase efficiency in relation to the flow of goods in the group. As part of the project, the solution will be ported from today's Windows-based handheld terminals to the modern Android platform.

About H-Vindu Fjerdingstad

H-Vindu Fjerdringstad AS was established in 1949 by the Fjerdingstad family, under the name Fjerdingstad Trevarefabrikk AS. The factory is still located in Hokksund. Increased demand for their products resulted in them establishing a new factory in Poland in 1999. Since then there has been another factory in Poland.

Today, H-Vindu Fjerdingstad is a leading manufacturer of high-quality doors and windows.


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