Are you still letting manual collection and processing of orders and invoices compromise your efficiency and competitiveness?

It's time to adopt iSYS HUB, the agile and reliable message center that can help you reduce the manual part of order and invoice management, giving you more time and resources to focus on your core business.

With iSYS HUB, you can forget about paper-based documents and long waiting times for email processing.

Our solution provides you with a modern and secure platform for exchanging business-critical documents, and we are authorized for the exchange of EDI documents among private and public organizations.

As an authorized PEPPOL access point and member of, we also have access to other message exchanges, both Norwegian and international, and can thus exchange documents with companies all over the world.

As a customer of iSYS HUB, you will be able to exchange orders and invoices from your ERP/accounting system and ensure that they are delivered to the right company quickly, cheaply and efficiently.

You will no longer need to print or save documents as PDFs and email them to partners, saving you time and unnecessary costs.

Let us help you become more competitive and future-oriented!

The most common documents we handle for our customers are:

  • Bookings

  • Order confirmations

  • Packing slips

  • Invoice/credit note

  • Product information

  • Price files and inventory

In addition, we offer mapping of PDF documents.

Five benefits of using EDI:

  1. Reduced manual work: EDI automates many manual processes, such as data entry and processing, freeing up time and resources.

  2. Better traceability: EDI provides better traceability and control over document flow, and can help businesses maintain a better overview of transactions and documents.

  3. Lower costs: EDI can help reduce costs associated with paper-based documents, such as shipping, processing and storage.

  4. Increased accuracy: EDI can help increase the accuracy and quality of documents, as the data comes directly from the source systems and avoids manual errors.

  5. Better competitiveness: By adopting EDI, businesses can improve their competitiveness by streamlining processes, reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction.

Get in touch to get started with EDI!

Phone +47 33 03 60 60

Save time and money with more efficient EDI!


InStock WMS/Warehouse solution

