
This is the feature with which you can keep track of shipments.

When you access the function, all started shipments are displayed.

A shipment is created for each pick list that is created.

If you have several orders for different customers on a pick list, a shipment will be created for each customer.

This function is best suited to those who have several picking lists that need to be combined into one shipment once all the picking lists have been completed.

Imagine you have orders that are so large and with so many different items that it makes sense to divide the order into different picking lists that can be picked by different people, preferably at different times. This way, the first person to pick the order can say which packing station the first items to be picked will be placed in. When the next person starts their picking list, InStock knows where the first part of the goods has been placed, so the next picker can place the goods together with those already picked.

When all the picking lists have been picked, the shipment turns green and can be sent to ERP as fully picked.