Goods movement

It is important that what is where in the warehouse is correct at all times. If some items are moved to another shelf, zone or other warehouse, it is important that this move is also registered in InStock so that the map and terrain match.

In InStock, it's easy to move items with just a few scans or by searching.

The easiest way to remember the move on a busy day is to do the operation in InStock at the same time as physically moving the item.

How to do an item move in InStock:

  • From the main menu, navigate to Item relocation.

  • Scan the item you want to move, the item number and item name will now appear.

  • Scan the location you are taking the item from.

  • Physically move the item to the new location and scan it.

  • Check that the number is correct and correct it if necessary.

  • Press the hook at the bottom.

The moving line then moves to the "Moved" tab. If you want to move more items, you can do these in turn and the moving lines will be added to the list under "Moved". When you have finished moving items, click on the paper airplane icon in the top right-hand corner to send the data to InStock and your company's ERP system.