
InStock supports different methods of inventory counting:

  • Ad-hoc: Count a random inventory at any time.

  • Count lists: Schedule a count by setting entire locations/zones/warehouses to count. The count list requires approval and the location is blocked for other warehouse movements as long as the count list is open.

  • Rolling count: Depending on the configuration, when picking, the user will be able to open a dialog where he must confirm the correct inventory.


Separate function in the app where you can do inventory counting whenever you want. Scan current item and location. Enter the batch, date or serial number if the item requires this. Count up the number of items and register the number.

How much detail around different parameters and behaviors need to be described. For example.

  • Not allowed to count if there are other open unposted transactions (e.g. a pick that has not yet been reported)

  • Swipe to see unrecorded counts

  • Press paper airplane to submit data

  • Parameter for see/don't see current inventory

  • Parameter to book each transaction continuously (no need to print paper airplanes)

  • Remember location

  • View locations in height

Counting lists

Used for planned picking. A count list is created in the portal and a selection of locations can be linked to this. For example, individual transactions, all locations within a zone or all locations in the warehouse. Added locations must not have open unposted transactions. When a location is linked to an open count list, it is not allowed to perform any warehouse movements other than counting.

A count list can be assigned to a specific user, or several can work on the same count list.

The user selects the count list in the app and is shown a list of locations that remain to be counted. You count one location at a time. First scan the location. Then scan item and enter quantity. Scan the next item and enter the quantity. When all items at the location have been counted, you confirm that the location has been counted. Items that have not been counted, but are registered with an inventory, will automatically be counted to 0. Continue with the next location on the list.

Along the way, you will be able to follow the status of the count in the portal. When all locations have been counted, any deviations must be approved in the portal before the count list can be finalized.

How much detail around different parameters and behaviors need to be described. For example.

  • Swipe to see which locations have already been counted

  • Routines/possibilities for approval/disapproval of deviations in the portal

  • Parameter for whether the number is counted automatically at each scan or whether the image is opened to set the total number

  • Parameter for whether it is possible to see which products and quantities the solution expects to find at the location.

  • Parameter for whether "confirm completed location" is displayed as a button or menu option

Rolling count

InStock can be configured so that during picking you can be asked to confirm the quantity. This means that large parts of the stock can be counted continuously over a period of time.

Rolling counting is activated per warehouse location. You can configure how many days should pass before you need to count the same item again (e.g. 90 days), as well as a limit value for the number of items at a location (e.g. 5 items) (only stocks below a given limit value are counted so that the picker does not spend a disproportionate amount of time counting the number of items). The values can also be overridden per item.

With the example values above, the picker will get a dialog when registering a pick in the app if the item in question has not been counted in the last 90 days, and the inventory is 5 or lower (after picking). The dialog shows e.g. "Is the container 4?" The picker can respond:

  • "Yes" if the inventory is 4, and InStock will automatically register the inventory as counted. The same inventory will then not appear for rolling counts until after at least 90 days.

  • "No" if the inventory is not 4. Only a deviation is then registered, which can be followed up later. The picker should then not spend time entering the correct number. The same inventory will not appear for a rolling count until someone has decided on the deviation.

  • "Ignore" if he does not want to take a silent count. The same inventory will appear for a rolling count at the next pick (assuming the same conditions)